Welcome Tim & Diedrich!

Last month we added two new people to the PEI family – Tim Carroll & Diedrich Smay. Check out the bios below to learn a bit about two of our newest team members! Tim Carroll Tim is joining PEI as our BIM Manager. He attended the Art Institute of Atlanta for 3-D...

Proficient is Growing!

Proficient Engineering now has TEN design teams. We are happy to continue to grow, and we trust our skilled engineers to lead. We still maintain our trusted small skill team approach, but we also have the capability to shift engineer power as needed for any size...

Welcome to the team, Tommy Wasmund!

We are pleased to announce the latest addition to our team – Tommy Wasmund! Tommy is a graduate of Georgia Tech, where he obtained his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering in 2011. He has worked on projects like the NOAA National Water Resource Center, Onelife Fitness...