To give you a little back story, Proficient Engineering started in 2008 and has been growing ever since. Due to the ever increasing staff of talented engineers, it was finally time to move our team over to a new location! We knew we wanted to remain close to the offices of our architect colleagues, and we found the perfect spot just 10 minutes northeast of the original PEI office.
It has been a great team effort to renovate the new building and plan our move of the past few months. On August 5th we moved the entire operation, and we were back online and ready to work in just one day. The result of all the hard work that has been put into the future of this company is a great team of engineers, a fun and exciting company culture, and now a new and dynamic workplace! Below are several pictures to show you our new home.

As you can see, the professional movers did a great job transferring everything over to the new space.
